If you're taking asbestos to the Household Waste Recycling Centre (HWRC), there are certain rules about transporting and disposing of asbestos waste which you must follow.
Home Recycling and rubbish Recycling centre Taking asbestos waste to the HWRC
Household Waste Recycling Centre
- Household Waste Recycling Centre
- What can be recycled at the HWRC
- Making a HWRC booking
- HWRC site rules
- Taking asbestos waste to the HWRC
Taking asbestos waste to the HWRC
Packaging asbestos
All asbestos and related waste (including any masks, overalls, cloths, and plastic sheets which have been used in the removal of asbestos) must be double bagged.
Asbestos waste must be packed in heavy duty plastic sacks, sealed with duct tape/parcel tape (not sticky tape), and clearly labelled as asbestos waste.
Heavy duty plastic sacks means UN (United Nations)-approved packaging for the carriage of dangerous goods (5H3, 5H4, 5L3, 5M1, and 5M2 graded bags).
Asbestos cement products must be double wrapped in 1000 gauge polythene sheeting, sealed with duct tape/parcel tape (not sticky tape), and clearly labelled as asbestos waste.
Black bin liner sacks and carrier bags are not suitable for bagging any asbestos waste.
Do not overfill your bags.
When you're loading the waste into your vehicle, be aware of any sharp objects which may tear the sheets/bags you've used as packaging. Any tears must be sealed with duct tape/parcel tape (not sticky tape). You will not be allowed to wrap asbestos while at the HWRC.
Make sure the waste can easily be handled when you're at the HWRC, and that you have the necessary resources to be able to carry/transport it.
Booking an appointment
You must book an appointment to take your waste to the HWRC. You cannot just turn up, you won't be allowed in.
At the Household Waste Recycling Centre
When you arrive with your asbestos waste, report to a member of staff.
Someone will inspect your asbestos waste to make sure it's been correctly bagged/wrapped and sealed. It will be recorded into the site log. You will not be allowed to wrap asbestos while at the HWRC.
Any asbestos waste which hasn't been packaged according to the rules will be refused, so don’t waste a trip - get it right first time.