The National Parks and Access to the Countryside Act 1949 placed a duty on every County Council in England and Wales to draw up and publish a definitive map and statement of public rights of way in their area. The first definitive map for our area was produced in the 1950s while we were part of North Riding of Yorkshire County Council (NRYCC).
North Riding of Yorkshire County Council definitive map
The process of producing a definitive map and statement was started in the early 1950s and involved three stages: draft, provisional and final definitive map. NRYCC used information from old maps as well as surveys carried out by parish councils, to work out which paths were believed to have public access and should be shown on the draft map, published about 1956.
The public and landowners were then consulted on the draft map and once all objections were resolved, a provisional map was produced in about 1961. This time consultation was with landowners only and following the resolution of objections, a definitive map was published on 28 May 1965.
Cleveland County Council definitive map
In 1974 the County of Cleveland was established, made up of all or part of ten former local authorities.
After producing a consolidated map for its area, Cleveland County Council commenced its first review in 1974, which had a relevant date of 31 December 1976. This review was not published until June 1984 following a delay due to one outstanding objection. A second review had to commence after this date, and so was undertaken under the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981, with a relevant date of 31 December 1990.
A third review was carried out by Cleveland County Council between 1991 and 1995, which was a process of consolidating the map, before the county split in 1996, into the four unitary authorities that exist today. The consolidation for the Middlesbrough area map and statement had a relevant date of 17 March 1995.
The current definitive map and statement for Middlesbrough
The council undertook a review of the definitive map and statement in 2009, which was completed in 2011. In accordance with the provisions of Section 57 (3) of the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981, the council prepared a consolidated map and statement for the Borough of Middlesbrough which now had a relevant date of 1 August 2011.
As part of the consolidation of the map and statement, the council renamed and renumbered all of the public rights of way in its area. Copies of the consolidated map and statement and all relevant orders were deposited on or after the 18th August 2011, and could be inspected free of charge.