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Residents parking scheme FAQs

About the scheme

What is the residents parking scheme?


The residents parking scheme keeps residential streets clear so people can park near their home or business. 

The residents parking scheme runs in most residential streets in the town centre, as well as some streets around James Cook Hospital. It keeps the streets free of vehicles belonging to workers, shoppers, and hospital patients and visitors.

If you live, run a business, or own a property in a residents parking scheme area, you need a permit to park your vehicle.

There are 4 kinds of permit:

  • resident
  • business
  • landlord
  • visitor

You'll have to apply and pay for a permit. You can either get a digital permit or a paper permit.

The residents parking schemes has different zones. There are currently 12 resident parking zones in Middlesbrough: Zones A, B, C, D, E, G, H, J, K, L, P, and U.

You can only use your permit in one zone. The permit will say the zone name on it.

Streets which are part of the residents parking scheme all have signs. The signs show which zone the street is in, and which hours the zone operates for. Outside of the hours of operation, any vehicle can be parked, for any amount of time. Some streets also have markings on the road.

How do I know if I live in a residents parking zone?


Streets which are part of the residents parking scheme all have signs. The signs show which zone the street is in, and which hours the zone operates for. Outside of the hours of operation, any vehicle can be parked, for any amount of time. Some streets also have markings on the road.

How much does a parking permit cost?


The first permit issued to a property costs £25. Additional permits cost £40 each.

This is the same for all kinds of permit.

Digital permits are valid for 12 months from the date they're issued.

Paper permits are valid for 12 months, from 5 working days after they're issued (to give time for the permit to be collected or delivered).

If we approve your application for a permit, we'll email you and ask you to pay for it.

What kind of vehicles can be parked with a permit?


You can buy a permit for the following kinds of vehicles:

  • cars or other passenger vehicles which seat up to 13 people
  • goods vehicles with an unladen weight of not more than 30cwt
  • motorbikes (digital permit only)

I live in a resident parking zone, but I do not have a vehicle. Do I still need a permit?


You might still need visitor permits for people who visit and need to park outside your home, like visitors or tradespeople.

Why is the council charging for resident parking zone permits now?


In the past, we paid the costs of running a residents parking scheme. Unfortunately, this is no longer possible because of our financial position.

Charging for permits means some of the cost of running the scheme is paid for by the residents who benefit from the scheme.

Most councils already charge for residents parking permits, and have done for some time. This change will bring us into line with the majority of councils in the UK. 

Charging for permits is also in line with our policies to encourage residents to use more sustainable transport methods (like walking, cycling, or public transport).


Parking with a permit

Where can I park with a resident parking scheme permit?


Your permit can only be used in one zone. You cannot use it in other zones.

If we approve your application for a permit, we'll contact you. The letter or email we send you will say which zone the permit can be used in. Paper permits will also have the zone printed on them.

You must either have a digital permit, or a paper permit displayed on your windscreen. It must be valid and not out of date.

There should be enough space for all permit holders to park in the area. However, having a permit does not guarantee that you'll be able to use a specific parking space.

You cannot use a permit to:

  • park in places with yellow line waiting or loading restrictions
  • get free parking in a pay and display area or business parking area
  • get unlimited time in loading bays in or near the residents parking zone

The following vehicles can also be parked in the residents parking zone:

  • vehicles with an all-zone parking permit
  • police, fire brigade, ambulance, and council vehicles
  • vehicles parking in Zones P and U for less than 45 minutes (a permit is needed if they're parking for more than 45 minutes)

Does a permit guarantee that I can park outside my property?


No. Residents cannot reserve parking spaces, even with a permit.

But keeping streets free of vehicles from non-residents makes it more likely that there'll be space to park near your property.

What if I cannot get parked in my street?


If the parking spaces on your street are full, you can use your permit to park in a nearby street. It must still be in the same parking zone.

Please check the signs which show the zone before you park.

How is the residents parking scheme enforced?


Our Neighbourhood Safety Wardens and Civil Enforcement Officers patrol the residents parking zones. They'll check every vehicle to see if it has a paper permit on the windscreen, or a digital permit.

What if I forget to display my paper permit or it falls off the windscreen?


Our Neighbourhood Safety Wardens and Civil Enforcement Officers check all vehicles in residents parking zones to see if they have a permit.

If your vehicle is not displaying a permit, or they cannot read the details on the permit, they will give you a fine (Penalty Charge Notice).

Applying and renewing

How do I apply for a permit?


You can apply for a permit online. You'll need to fill in an application form and provide documentation.

You'll need to prove that you live, run a business, or own a property in the residents parking zone.

Any documents you use as proof must show your full name and address, and be less than 3 months old. Examples of proof include:

  • utility bills (like gas, electric, or water)
  • bank statement
  • Council Tax bill for this year
  • tenancy agreement
  • Business Rates bill

You must also give provide a copy of your vehicle registration document, or your insurance document or certificate.

If the vehicle belongs to your employer and you do not have the registration or insurance documents, you'll need a letter from your employer as proof. It must say that you use the vehicle(s) concerned, and it must be a recent letter.

If we approve your application for a permit, we'll email you and ask you to pay for it.

Apply for a parking permit.

If you cannot apply online, call us on 01642 726003.

If you already have a residents parking scheme permit (not a visitor permit) and you've changed your vehicle, you can apply for a new permit using the change of vehicle online application form.

How many permits can a household purchase?


You can apply for as many resident permits as you need. But you'll need to show proof for each vehicle you want a permit for. You can find out more about proof in the 'How do I apply for a permit?' section above.

The maximum number of visitor permits a property can have is 2.

What happens if I change my vehicle?


If you change your vehicle, you'll need a new permit. It costs £10.

If you have a paper permit for your old vehicle, you'll need to return it to Parking Services.

You can apply to change your permit online.

You'll need your current registration number and permit number when you apply. You'll also need to upload a copy of your new vehicle registration document, or vehicle insurance document or certificate.

If we approve your application for a replacement permit, we'll email you and ask you to pay for it.

What if I move house?


If you're moving somewhere which is also in a residents parking zone, you can take your permit with you. You must tell us, so we can update our records. It costs £10 to transfer your permit to another address.

You can apply to transfer your permit online.

You'll need your vehicle's registration number and your permit number when you apply.

You'll also need to give proof of your new address. The document you use as proof must show your full name and address, and be less than 3 months old. Examples of proof include:

  • utility bills (like gas, electric, or water)
  • bank statement
  • Council Tax bill for this year
  • tenancy agreement

If we approve your application for a permit, we'll email you and ask you to pay for it.

If you have a paper permit and you're moving into another zone, you may have to return your current permit before we can give you a replacement.

If you're moving to an area which does not have a residents parking scheme, you can cancel your parking permit online.

If you need help, call Parking Services on 01642 726003.

What if my permit is lost or stolen?


If your permit is lost or stolen, you can apply for a replacement permit online.

You'll need to show us your proof again. You can find out more about proof in the 'How do I apply for a permit?' section above.

There may be a charge for the replacement permit.

How do I renew my permit?


Parking permits are valid for 12 months. They are not automatically renewed. You must renew your permit yourself, every year.

We'll email you to remind you that your permit is due to expire. We'll use the email address we have on our records. This will be the email address you gave when you applied, unless you've asked us to update your contact details since then.

You'll need to prove that you're still eligible for a permit. You can find out more about proof in the 'How do I apply for a permit?' section above.

How do I cancel a permit?


You can cancel a permit online or by calling Parking Services on 01642 726003.

Other questions

What if I have a courtesy vehicle?


If you have a visitor permit, you can display it in your courtesy car.

If you do not have a visitor permit, call Parking Services on 01642 726003.

Can my regular visitors park in the residents parking zone?


You'll need to apply for a visitors permit which can be used by your visitors or people working in your property. They must display the permit in their vehicle while they're parked in the residents parking zone, and give it back to you when they leave.

Are Blue Badges valid in residents parking zones?


You cannot use a Blue Badge to park in a residents parking zone. You still need to have a permit.

If you live in a residents parking zone and have a Blue Badge, you can get a residents parking permit for free.

You'll need to give proof of your Blue Badge when you apply. You'll also need to provide proof that you live in a residents parking zone. You can find out more about proof in the 'How do I apply for a permit?' section above.

My business is in a residents parking zone - can I get a permit?


You can apply for a maximum of 2 business permits.

You cannot apply for a visitor permit for your business.

What about essential services staff (like NHS and social care) who visit clients living in a residents parking zone?


Essential services can apply for an all-zone parking permit for their staff. The permit must be displayed in the staff member's vehicle.

This permit will let them park for up to one hour (as a guide) when visiting clients who live in a residents parking zone.


For more information about the residents parking scheme, call Parking Services on 01642 726003.