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Our teams

Access Safeguarding Team:

The Access and Safeguarding teams merged in November 2019 to provide a single point of contact for incoming referrals to adult social care in terms of requests for assessment and safeguarding concerns. 

The access element of the team provides short term care management support, undertaking assessments for those who are new to adult social care services or those previously closed to Social Care Teams. Once assessments are completed staff will work with an individual until their needs are understood, initial services are in place and an initial review is undertaken.

The safeguarding element of the team triages incoming safeguarding concerns, undertakes section 42 enquiries and coordinates multi-agency meetings in order to develop a multi-agency protection plan. Making safeguarding personal is key to the enquiry and investigation process.

East and West Locality Teams:

The East and West Locality Teams provide a care management and review service to adults over 18. Care management support is provided to adults who require on-going support and whose needs are not stable. The teams also undertake planned and unplanned reviews of domiciliary and residential/nursing placements.

The teams are split geographically into East and West localities.

Hospital Team:

The Hospital Team works with adults who do not have an active social worker and are an inpatient in wards/hospitals within South Tees NHS Foundation Trust (JCUH, Redcar Primary Care Hospital, East Cleveland Primary Care Hospital and the Friarage Hospital). The team also works with residents of Middlesbrough who are inpatients in hospitals outside of South Tees NHS Foundation Trust e.g. The Nuffield, North Tees.

CMHT for Older People:

The CMHTOP Team works with adults over 65 with organic mental health needs who have been given a diagnosis and adults who have functional mental health problems.

Forensic Social Care Team:

The Forensic Social Care Team provides an assessment, rehabilitation and ongoing preventative service to individuals diagnosed as having a learning disability and who have offended or display behaviours which could result with contact with the Police and the Criminal Justice System.  The service works with male and female adults detained within secure environments or living in community settings. The Team work alongside and in partnership with a variety of multi-agency professionals to improve individuals’ quality of life, whilst minimising risk to themselves and others.

Psychosis and Affective Disorder Teams:

The Psychosis and Affective Disorder Teams provide a needs led service for people with mental health problems who are involved in secondary mental health services.  Approved Mental Health Professionals are based within both teams and undertake statutory duties under the Mental Health Act 1983.

Learning Disability and Transitions Team:

The service has been established to work with people over 18 who have a diagnosed learning disability and meet the Care Act eligibility criteria. People with a diagnosis of a Learning Disability and associated mental health issues, autism or a physical disability will also be supported by the team where their Learning Disability is the condition having the most significant impact on their level of functioning.

The team may also provide an involved worker for young people aged 17 where their need links to their transition through adolescence to adulthood. In these cases case responsibility will move to the social worker from the Learning Disability and transitions team at 18.

Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DoLS) Team:

The DoLS Team responds to requests for urgent and standard authorisations, completing detailed best interests assessments and offering advice and guidance in relation to the statutory requirements arising from the Mental Capacity Act (MCA) and Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DoLS) legal framework, its associated process and procedures.

The team also assists in raising awareness and provides mentoring to Adult Social Care staff on MCA and DoLS issues, in addition to undertaking specialist assessments for the Court of Protection.