To help us process your invoice quickly, it should be addressed to Middlesbrough Council and should include:
- your company name and address
- your VAT registration number (if applicable)
- invoice number
- invoice date
- valid purchase order number
- name of the service area requesting goods or services, or council contact person
- full description of the goods or services supplied
- for each line item: quantity, description, unit price, net value, VAT rate, VAT value, line total
- invoice totals: net, VAT, gross
All invoices should be sent electronically to, quoting a valid purchase order number. Failing to do this may result in a delay to us processing your invoice and making payment to you.
If you have a question about an invoice, please email
Purchase order numbers
Our financial system produces purchase order (PO) numbers in the format '8nnnnnn', for example '8123456'. Most PO numbers will look like this.
All orders must be accompanied by a PO number, either supplied by a council staff member or sent automatically by the council's financial system. If a Middlesbrough Council buyer requests goods or services from you without providing a PO number, please tell them to refer to the 'no purchase order, no payment' policy. Do not accept the order until a PO number is provided.
'No purchase order, no payment' policy
If you supply goods or services to the council, you must not accept verbal or written instructions to supply goods or services from any council staff member unless they provide you with a valid PO number. This will usually be sent directly from the council's purchasing system.
If you do not quote a valid purchase order number on your invoice, the invoice will be returned to you with a copy of the 'no purchase order, no payment' policy. The invoice will not be paid until it includes a valid PO number.
Usually, you will receive an automated order when an order is placed but if you do not receive one, please make sure you request a purchase order number from your council contact to be included on your invoice. Co-operating with this policy is one of the best ways to ensure your invoice is paid promptly.
If you have any questions about the 'no purchase order, no payment' policy, please contact